Floodplain Buyout Program

Local floodplains are meant to flood during heavy rains. It's mother nature's way of slowing down water to reduce damage caused by raging rivers. Floodplains also filter stormwater pollutants by temporarily storing floodwater. However, many communities including Charlotte-Mecklenburg, have developed within the floodplain, putting homes, businesses and other property in areas meant to flood.


Buying and removing buildings in the floodplain is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce long-term flood damage and create many other community benefits.


Please note: Floodplain buyouts have all been voluntary. Owners are not forced to sell.   


Program Highlights


Homes purchased since 1999.


Families and businesses relocated to less vulnerable areas outside the floodplain


In losses avoided 


Property owners who go through the appraisal/offer process participate in the buyout


Current investment in buyouts. Most are funded entirely with local money


Total investment since 1999 in removing buildings from the floodplain. (43% federal, 2% state, 48% local and 7% other)

Frequently Asked Questions