West Branch ​Rocky River Phase 1 Watershed & Stream Improvement

The project will be comprised of three separate project phases to allow for completion and funding of each individual stream section in a timely manner.  The goal will be to stabilize the tributary and main stem of West Branch Rocky River by grading the stream banks to a gentle slope that will support and sustain native vegetation during all seasons of mother nature’s storm events for decades to come.


Phase 1 will begin along the tributary from just above Davis Road down to the confluence of the main stream, West Branch of Rocky River near Fisher Farm (Est. 9,000 ft.). Phase 2 and Phase 3 dates are TBD pending future funding.

Call:  980-314-3210

Email: David Woodie


This project will mainly focus on bank stabilization, vegetation, buffer enhancement, and stream conveyance. This is a large project with much needed grading and stream bank repair. The bank stabilization will gently slope the existing vertical banks to establish a growing surface for vegetated buffer and future tree growth that will in turn provide roots to secure the stream bank.

This project has had the opportunity to expand with additional partnerships that have delayed progress toward construction. This added length of the Tributary will extend to the limits of the FEMA Floodplain to restore additional stream. The total project will restore over 19,000 linear feet of stream in the Rocky River watershed in Davidson, NC.

Estimated Cost: 2.3 million**

*includes all costs associated with this project such as planning and design, utility relocation, consultant fees, permits, construction, and landscaping.

The project team will manage the project through several phases. Specific work is conducted during each phase and public involvement is emphasized throughout the process.

Project Schedule

Project Schedule
PhaseStatusEnd Date
PlanningCompletedDecember 2018
DesignCompletedDecember 2019
PermittingCompletedFebruary 2021
Property Easement AcquisitionCompletedDecember 2018
BidCompletedFebruary 2021
ConstructionCompletedApril 2022
WarrantyCompletedApril 2023
