- Stabilize eroded stream banks
- Restore the floodplain to its natural state and function
- Improve habitat for aquatic life
- Improve stream buffer with species diversity and additional plants
- Enhance water quality
Estimated Cost: Design: $741,000 Construction: $5,800,000**
*includes all costs associated with this project such as planning and design, utility relocation, consultant fees, permits, construction, and landscaping.
The project team will manage the project through several phases. Specific work is conducted during each phase and public involvement is emphasized throughout the process.
Project Schedule
Project Schedule | ||
Phase | Status | End Date |
Planning | Completed | September 2018 |
Design | Completed | October 2019 |
Permitting | Completed | January 2020 |
Property Easement Acquisition | N/A | N/A |
Bid | Completed | July 2021 |
Construction | Completed | June 2022 |
Warranty | Completed | June 2023 |