​Willow Pond Stream Restoration Project

The Willow Pond Stream Restoration Project is a partnership with the Town of Cornelius and Mecklenburg County Storm Water Services to restore approximately 3300 linear feet of stream in the upper McDowell Watershed. There are both minor and major stream sections of which Cornelius will fund 3,043 feet of the minor system (draining less than one square mile of area) and Mecklenburg County funding 277 feet of the Major system portion (draining greater than one square mile of area).

Estimated Cost: $1,323,866.54**

  • Mecklenburg County cost: $202,779.15

  • Town of Cornelius cost: $1,121,087.39

*includes all costs associated with this project such as planning and design, utility relocation, consultant fees, permits, construction, and landscaping.

The project team will manage the project through several phases. Specific work is conducted during each phase and public involvement is emphasized throughout the process.

Project Schedule

Project Schedule
PhaseStatusEnd Date
PlanningCompletedSeptember 2017
PermittingCompletedJanuary 2021
Property Easement AcquisitionCompletedFebruary 2021
BidCompletedNovember 2020
ConstructionCompletedJuly 2021
WarrantyCompletedMarch 2023
