Kings Branch Stream Restoration Phase 1: Archdale to Arrowood

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services will construct a floodplain and stream restoration project on approximately 6,100 linear feet of Kings Branch. The project consists of bank stabilization and vertical realignment of the channel bed, aquatic habitat improvement, and planting of native vegetation. The project has dual goals of reducing flood risk and improving water quality within the project area. FEMA Grant funding has been approved. 


Estimated Cost: TBD

Funding will be provided by a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) of $5,830,244.
FEMA HMGP provides funding to state , local, tribal and territorial governments so they can develop hazard mitigation plans and rebuild in a way that reduces, or mitigates future disaster losses in their communities. 

*includes all costs associated with this project such as planning and design, utility relocation, consultant fees, permits, construction, and landscaping.

The project team will manage the project through several phases. Specific work is conducted during each phase and public involvement is emphasized throughout the process.

Project Schedule

Project Schedule
PhaseStatusEnd Date
Property Easement AcquisitionCompleted 
BidIn ProgressFall 2024
ConstructionStarts Winter 2024 
