Standard Drawings
Mecklenburg County Land Development Standard Drawings
The Mecklenburg County Land Development Standard Drawings are in PDF and DWG file formats.
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1000 Miscellaneous Infrastructure Standards
10.17A Standard Curb and Gutter 10.17A.dwg10.17A.pdf
10.17B Curb and Gutter 10.17B.dwg10.17B.pdf
10.17C Concrete Contraction Joint 10.17C.dwg10.17C.pdf
10.18 18" Vertical Gutter 10.18.dwg10.18.pdf
10.19 Curb Transition 2'-6" to 2'-0" Valley Gutter 10.19.dwg10.19.pdf
10.2 Curb Transition 2'-6" to 1'-6" Curb and Gutter 10.2.dwg10.2.pdf
10.22 Concrete Sidewalks 10.22.dwg10.22.pdf
10.23 Monolithic Concrete Curb and Sidewalk 10.23.dwg10.23.pdf
10.24A Commercial Type II and Residential Type I Drop Curb Driveway with Sidewalk Abutting Curb (2'-6" Curb and Gutter) 10.24A.dwg10.24A.pdf
10.24B Commercial Type II and Residential Type I Drop Curb Driveway with Sidewalk Abutting Curb (6"x18" Vertical Curb) 10.24B.dwg10.24B.pdf
10.24C Commercial Type II and Residential Type I Drop Curb Driveway with Sidewalk Abutting Curb 10.24C.dwg10.24C.pdf
10.25A Residential Drop curb Type I Driveway with Planting Strip (2'-6" Curb and Gutter) 10.25A.dwg10.25A.pdf
10.25B Commercial Drop Curb Type II Driveway with Planting Strip (2'-6" Curb and Gutter) 10.25B.dwg10.25B.pdf
10.25C Residential Drop Curb Type I Driveway with Planting Strip (6" x 18" Curb and Gutter) 10.25C.dwg10.25C.pdf
10.25D Commercial Drop Curb Type II Driveway with Planting Strip (6" x 18" Vertical Curb) 10.25D.dwg10.25D.pdf
10.25E Modified Type II Driveway Detail with wide Planting Strip and Standard Curb 10.25E.dwg10.25E.ddf
10.25F Commercial Type IV Driveway Standard 10.25F.dwg10.25F.pdf
10.26 Drop Curb Driveway - Monolithic Curb and Sidewalk 10.26.dwg10.26.pdf
10.27A Residential Driveway (Type I) Valley Gutter 10.27A.dwg10.27A.pdf
10.27B Commercial Type II Driveway for 2'-0" Valley Gutter 10.27B.dwg10.27B.pdf
10.28 Type III Driveway Entrance 10.28.dwg10.28.pdf
10.29 Catch Basin Frame in Valley Gutter 10.29.dwg10.29.pdf
10.3 Catch Basin Placement at Intersections 10.3.dwg10.3.pdf
10.31A Accessible Ramp Standard with Planting Strip 2'-6" Curb and Gutter 10.31A.dwg10.31A.pdf
10.31B Accessible Ramp Sections with Planting Strip 2'-6" Curb and Gutter 10.31B.dwg10.31B.pdf
10.32A Accessible Ramp Standard without Planting Strip 2'-6" Curb and Gutter 10.32A.dwg10.32A.pdf
10.32B Accessible Ramp Section without Planting Strip 2'-6" Curb and Gutter 10.32B.dwg10.32B.pdf
10.33A Accessible Ramp Standard 2'-0" Valley Gutter 10.33A.dwg10.33A.pdf
10.33B Accessible Ramp Sections 2'-0" Valley Gutter 10.33B.dwg10.33B.pdf
10.34A Accessible Ramp Standard Monolithic Curb and Sidewalk 10.34A.dwg10.34A.pdf
10.34B Accessible Ramp Sections Monolithic Curb and Sidewalk 10.34B.dwg10.34B.pdf
10.35A Standard Placement of Accessible Ramps and General Notes 10.35A.dwg10.35A.pdf
10.35B Truncated Domes Plan and Cross-Section 10.35B.dwg10.35B.pdf
10.36A Culvert Crossings on Residential and Commercial Streets 10.36A.dwg10.36A.pdf
10.36B Culvert Crossings on Residential and Commercial Streets 10.36B.dwg10.36B.pdf
10.37 Typical Local Residential To Local Residential Street Taper 10.37.dwg10.37.pdf
1100 Street Section Details
11.01 Local Residential Street Typical Section 11.01.dwg11.01.pdf
11.03 Divided Residential Street Typical Section 11.03.dwg11.03.pdf
11.04 Local Limited Residential Street Typical Section 11.04.dwg11.04.pdf
11.06 Residential Collector Street Typical Section 11.06.dwg11.06.pdf
11.08 Limited Residential Collector Street Type Typical Section 11.08.dwg11.08.pdf
11.09 Arterial Street Typical Sections 11.09.dwg11.09.pdf
11.11 Commercial Street Typical Sections 11.11.dwg11.11.pdf
11.12 Commercial Street Divided Typical Section 11.12.dwg11.12.pdf
11.13 Typical Sections Private Street 11.13.dwg11.13.pdf
11.16 City of Charlotte and ETJ Residential Cul-De-Sac detail 11.16.dwg11.16.pdf
11.17 Commercial Cul-De-Sac 11.17.dwg11.17.pdf
11.18A Residential Hammerhead Detail 11.18A.dwg11.18A.pdf
11.18B Temporary Turnaround 11.18B.dwg11.18B.pdf
11.19A Residential Alley Detail One Way Operation 11.19A.dwg​11.19A.pdf
11.19B Residential Alley Detail Double Loaded w/Two Way Operation 11.19B.dwg11.19B.pdf
11.19C Residential Alley Detail Single Loaded w/Two Way operation 11.19C.dwg11.19C.pdf
11.2 Residential Alley Hammerheads and Intersections 11.2.dwg11.2.pdf
11.25 Cornelius Typical Section Local Residential Street 11.25.dwg11.25.pdf
11.26 Cornelius Typical Section Residential Collector Street 11.26.dwg11.26.pdf
11.27 Cornelius Commercial Street Typical Section 11.27.dwg11.27.pdf
11.28 Cornelius Arterial Street Typical Section 11.28.dwg11.28.pdf
11.5 Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville Typical Street Section Residential Street 11.5.dwg11.5.pdf
11.51 Matthews Typical Section Local Residential Street 11.51.dwg11.51.pdf
11.54 Matthews Typical Section Local Limited Residential Street 11.54.dwg11.54.pdf
11.55 Matthews Typical Section Residential Collector Street 11.55.dwg11.55.pdf
11.56 Cornelius, Davidson & Huntersville Typical Section Cul-De-Sac detail 11.56.dwg11.56.pdf
11.57 Matthews Residential Cul-De-Sac detail 11.57.dwg11.57.pdf
2000 Storm Drain Standards
20.00A NCDOT Standards Approved For Use in the City of Charlotte and Charlotte ETJ 20.00Adwg20.00A.pdf
20.00B NCDOT Standards Approved For Use in the City of Charlotte and Charlotte ETJ 20.00B.dwg20.00B.pdf
20.00C NCDOT Standards Approved For Use in the City of Charlotte and Charlotte ETJ 20.00C.dwg20.00C.pdf
20.03 Double Brick Catch Basin 15" - 36" Pipe 20.03.dwg20.03.pdf
20.17A Concrete Wingwall Splash Pad 20.17A.dwg20.17A.pdf
20.17B Concrete Wingwall Splash Pad 20.17B.dwg20.17B.pdf
20.23 Rip Rap Aprons at Outfalls 20.23.dwg20.23.pdf
20.23A Flared End Section 12" to 72" 20.23A.dwg20.23A.pdf
20.24 Rip Rap Plunge Pool 20.24.dwg20.24.pdf
20.25 Trench Detail for Storm Drain 20.25.dwg20.25.pdf
20.26 Concrete Paved Ditches 20.26.dwg20.26.pdf
20.27 Rip Rap Ditches 20.27.dwg20.27.pdf
20.28 Subdrain Detail 20.28.dwg20.28.pdf
20.29 Overlapping Sewer and Storm Easements 20.29.dwg20.29.pdf
20.3 Minimum Storm Easements Pipe and Channel 20.3.dwg20.3.pdf
2100 Stormwater BMP Details
21 Bioretention Plan 21.dwg21.pdf
21.01 Bioretention Cross-Section 21.01.dwg21.01.pdf
21.02 Bioretention Planting Plan 21.02.dwg21.02.pdf
21.04 Flow Splitter Structure 21.04.dwg21.04.pdf
21.05 Wetpond Plan 21.05.dwg21.05.pdf
21.06 Wetpond Profile 21.06.dwg21.06.pdf
21.07 Wetpond Cross-Sections 21.07.dwg21.07.pdf
21.08 Wetpond Littoral Shelf and Berm Detail 21.08.dwg21.08.pdf
21.09 Wetpond Planting Plan 21.09.dwg21.09.pdf
21.1 Wetland Plan 21.1.dwg21.1.pdf
21.11 Wetland Section 21.11.dwg21.11.pdf
21.12 Wetland Cross-Sections 21.12.dwg21.12.pdf
21.13 Wetland Details 21.13.dwg21.13.pdf
21.14 Wetland Planting Plan 21.14.dwg21.14.pdf
21.15 Enhanced Grass Swale Planting Plan 21.15.dwg21.15.pdf
21.16 Enhanced Grass Swale Details 21.16.dwg21.16.pdf
21.17 Grass Channel 21.17.dwg21.17.pdf
21.18 Grass Channel Planting Plan 21.18.dwg21.18.pdf
21.19 Infiltration Trench 21.19.dwg21.19.pdf
21.2 Observation Well 21.2.dwg21.2.pdf
21.21 Buffer Strip 21.21.dwg21.21.pdf
21.22 Buffer Strip Planting Plan 21.22.dwg21.22.pdf
21.23 Underground Sand Filter 21.23.dwg21.23.pdf
21.24 Surface Sand Filter 21.24.dwg21.24.pdf
3000 Erosion Control Standards
30 Special Erosion Control Requirements & Notes 30.dwg30.pdf
30.01 Temporary Sediment Trap 30.01.dwg30.01.pdf
30.02A Skimmer Sediment Trap 30.02A.dwg30.02A.pdf
30.02B Skimmer 30.02B.dwg30.02B.pdf
30.03 Sediment Basin 30.03.dwg30.03.pdf
30.04 Flexible Pipe Slope Drain 30.04.dwg30.04.pdf
30.05 Temporary Silt Ditch 30.05.dwg30.05.pdf
30.06A Temporary Silt Fence 30.06A.dwg30.06A.pdf
30.06B High Hazard Temporary Silt Fence 30.06B.dwg30.06B.pdf
30.06C Silt Fence Outlet 1 30.06C.dwg30.06C.pdf
30.06D Silt Fence Outlet 2 30.06D.dwg30.06D.pdf
30.07 Block and Stone Inlet Protection 30.07.dwg30.07.pdf
30.08 Stone Inlet Protection 30.08.dwg30.08.pdf
30.09 Hardware Cloth and Gravel Inlet Protection 30.09.dwg30.09.pdf
30.10A Temporary Rock Check Dam 30.10A.dwg30.10A.pdf
30.10B Temporary Rock Check Dam with Matting and Optional PAM 30.10B.dwg30.10B.pdf
30.10C Temporary Wattle Check Dam with Matting and Optional PAM 30.10C.dwg30.10C.pdf
30.11A Stabilized Construction Entrance 30.11A.dwg30.11A.pdf
30.11B Construction Entrance Tire Wash 30.11B.dwg30.11B.pdf
30.12 Gravel and Rip Rap Filter Berm Basin 30.12.dwg30.12.pdf
30.13 Erosion Control Dewatering 30.13.dwg30.13.pdf
30.14 Temporary Stream Crossing 30.14.dwg30.14.pdf
30.15 Catch Basin Inlet Protections 30.15.dwg30.15.pdf
30.16 Slope Stability 30.16.dwg30.16.pdf
30.17A Seeding Schedule 30.17A.dwg30.17A.pdf
30.17B Seeding Schedule 30.17B.dwg30.17B.pdf
30.18 Construction within Creek Bank 30.18.dwg30.18.pdf
30.19 Baffle Installation 30.19.dwg30.19.pdf
30.2 Embankment Matting Detail 30.2.dwg30.2.pdf
30.21 Brick Storm Structure with Temporary Pipe 30.21.dwg30.21.pdf
4000 Tree Standards
40.01 Tree Planting Detail 40.01.dwg40.01.pdf
40.02 Tree Protection Detail 40.02.dwg40.02.pdf
40.03 Tree Pit with Grate in Sidewalk (Plan) 40.03.dwg40.03.pdf
40.03A Tree Pit with Grate in Sidewalk (Section) 40.03A.dwg40.03A.pdf
40.03B Tree Pit with Grade in Sidewalk (Section) 40.03B.dwg40.03B.pdf
40.03C Tree Pit with Grate in Sidewalk (Section) 40.03C.dwg40.03C.pdf
40.04A Drip Irrigation for Tree Pit with Grate 40.04A.dwg40.04A.pdf
40.04B Irrigation Detail (Turf Areas) 40.04B.dwg40.04B.pdf
40.04C Irrigation Detail (Planting Beds) 40.04C.dwg40.04C.pdf
40.04D Valve Box Installations 40.04D.dwg40.04D.pdf
40.05 Shrub Planting Bed 40.05.dwg40.05.pdf
40.08A Median Greater than 120 Inches Excavation, Drainage and Backfill 40.08A.dwg40.08A.pdf
40.08B 73 to 120 Inch Median Excavation Drainage and Backfill 40.08B.dwg40.08B.pdf
40.08C 48 to 72 Inch Median Excavation Drainage and Backfill 40.08C.dwg40.08C.pdf
40.09 Root Crown Depths 40.09.dwg40.09.pdf
40.1 Tree Planting Notes 40.1.dwg40.1.pdf
40.11 Bridging Tree Roots 40.11.dwg40.11.pdf
40.12 Temporary Tree Protection Detail 40.12.dwg40.12.pdf
40.13 Asphalt Curb Placement at Existing Trees 40.13.dwg40.13.pdf
5000 Miscellaneous Standards
50.03 Concrete Control Monument 50.03.dwg50.03.pdf
50.04A Typical Handrail 50.04A.dwg50.04A.pdf
50.04B Handrail Warrants 50.04B.dwg50.04B.pdf
50.05A Street Name Sign 50.05A.dwg50.05A.pdf
50.05B Street Name Sign (Optional) 50.05B.dwg50.05B.pdf
50.06 Street Name Sign Installation Locations 50.06.dwg50.06.pdf
50.07A Dead End Street Barricade 50.07A.dwg50.07A.pdf
50.07B Dead End Street Barricade General Notes 50.07B.dwg50.07B.pdf
50.08A End of Roadway Marker (ER-1) 50.08A.dwg50.08A.pdf
50.08B End of Roadway Marker (ER-1) Grand Rail Clamp Installation 50.08B.dwg50.08B.pdf
50.09A Parking Standards 50.09A.dwg50.09A.pdf
50.09B Parking Standards Continued 50.09B.dwg50.09B.pdf
50.09C Parallel Parking Standards 50.09C.dwg50.09C.pdf
50.10A Accessible Parking and Signage Standards 50.10A.dwg50.10A.pdf
50.10B Supplemental Accessible Sign (R7-8E) 50.10B.dwg50.10B.pdf
50.10C Supplemental Accessible Sign (R7-8D) 50.10C.dwg50.10C.pdf
50.11 Signage and Pavement Markings at Roundabouts 50.11.dwg50.11.pdf
50.12 Emergency Vehicle Median Crossover 50.12.dwg50.12.pdf
50.2 Inverted U Rack Bicycle Parking 50.2.dwg50.2.pdf